Due to COVID, this is the only significant fundraiser that we offer for December. So let the Knights take the work out of your Christmas meal preparation this year. Rest assured, we are following CDC guidelines. For December we offer:
•Pulled Pork (in cups for $4, pints for $8, quarts for $16)
•Whole Chickens ($10 each)
•Ribs (half slab for $9, full slab for $16)
•NOTE: We will not be offering any of our normal sides
Orders must be in by 6pm on Wednesday, December 16. Place your order by email KofC5801Smoker@gmail.com or FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW. Order forms are also located at the KofC bulletin board in the Gathering Space near the parish office.
Pick up time will be on Sunday, December 20, from 10:30am to 1:30pm at the basement of Charitable Works. We accept debit and credit cards with a 1.00 fee added to the transactions. Proceeds go to St. Matthew Charitable Works.